Being overweight is a life-threatening condition that exposes patients to health risks and early death from underlying medical conditions. Weight loss surgery is a lifesaver for patients who are failing to reduce their weight through diet monitoring and regular exercise. While patient conditions differ, there are a variety of procedures from which a weight loss doctor can recommend depending on a patient’s medical history and current assessment to find the most suitable option. If you or a loved one is struggling with weight issues, DFW Bariatrics and General Surgery can help. In this blog, we share some of the medical conditions that are mitigated by undergoing weight loss surgery.

Type-2 Diabetes

According to a report by the CDC, 90 percent of people with type-2 diabetes are obese. While insulin injections and other over-the-counter medications can help the body consume sugar and glucose, patients are required to take the medications for life. Weight loss surgery provides long-term remission of hard-to-control diabetes.

Heart Diseases

People who are overweight are at risk of having high blood pressure and other related diseases such as stroke and sleep apnea. Weight loss surgery decreases the risk of heart diseases by improving cardiovascular health. It also achieves this by gradually normalizing blood pressure and cholesterol levels after the surgery.

Joint Pain

Being overweight exerts a lot of stress on weight-bearing joints, which is why a lot of overweight patients complain about painful joints, especially the knees. Weight loss surgery can help alleviate joint pain. A few months after weight loss surgery, patients will begin to lose weight reducing stress on their joints and allowing them to stop taking pain relief medications.


Overweight patients are socially stigmatized, which causes them to feel depressed. Obesity is a condition that affects all age groups and patients cannot partake in some daily activities, which also causes them to feel isolated and further sink into inactivity. When a patient loses a greater percentage of their weight, it improves their emotional health as they can engage in their favorite activities.

Wrap Up

While weight loss surgery offers a quick and long term solution to reduce weight, it is important that patients maintain a healthy lifestyle. DFW Bariatrics and General Surgery in Dallas provide weight loss surgery to patients in Dallas and nearby areas. If you want to know more about available weight loss procedures, non-surgical weight-loss, or book an appointment with a weight loss doctor in Dallas, simply call 469-620-0222 or write to us at [email protected].