Understanding the 5 Dietary Stages After Weight Loss Surgery


Weight loss surgery is commonly referred to as bariatric surgery. Although most patients clear their doubts regarding the procedure, they sometimes overlook the concerns related to postoperative lifestyle changes, with one of the most significant changes a patient needs to make being dietary changes. In this blog post, we cover five dietary stages every patient […]

A Look at the Pros and Cons of Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Surgery

It is a well known fact that obesity is one of the leading causes of life-threatening conditions. The challenge is, losing weight on your own can be difficult once the BMI crosses the 35 mark. While people try to lose weight by exercising and making dietary and lifestyle changes; in a lot of cases, people […]

Understanding 4 Commonly Recommended Weight Loss Surgical Procedures

Weight Loss Surgery

Undergoing a weight loss surgery in Dallas / Fort Worth or any other place can be a tough decision; however, when recommended by a doctor, it is essential for patients to know the different procedures and the one that suits them the best. Broadly, there are four weight loss surgeries that a person can undergo, […]

Antireflux Surgery: All You Need to Know

Reflux Surgery

Reflux surgery is a surgical procedure to treat Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD, commonly called acid reflux. While the surgery can be both open and laparoscopic, most people choose the second option due to the lesser pain, faster recovery time, and lesser scarring, and fewer complications. In this post, you’ll learn in detail about minimally […]